
A JavaScript developer based in London, my work is an amalgamation of sleek and modern design with fluid interactivity.


  • Calisthenics Skill Tree

    A showcase of my beautiful-skill-tree package in the form of a progressive web application.

  • Pride in London

    A Gatsby application that was created by a group of volunteers for Pride 2018

  • GO Polly

    An application that would pull in song lyric data via an 3rd party API and turn it to audio via AWS Polly.

  • Medium Profile

    The location of my tech writing. Here you can find my articles relating to architecture, local state, React features and more

  • Brockley Cafe Crawl

    A Fullstack Node/React App that details all of the best coffee shops in Brockley

  • AWS Reference Architecture

    A repo that contained the boilerplate for repeatable infrastructure that was created during the process of learning AWS

  • Web App Dashboard

    A responsive Web App Dashboard made using JavaScript, sass and jQuery. Also uses additional JS libraries.

  • Photo Gallery

    This responsive Web Gallery uses JavaScript and jQuery for search and overlay functionality.

  • Registration Form

    A Registration Form made using HTML5. Utilised modern accessibility tools and CSS transitions for improved UX.

  • Realtime Chat App

    A Real Time Chat application that allows multiple users over the internet to communicate with one another

  • Interactive Video Player

    A multi-function Video Player created using JavaScript, sass and jQuery. Functions include speed adjustment and captions.